Who is Chung Fu?

The Chinese hexagram or pictogram of ‘Chung Fu’ means ‘Inner Truth’. As a mouthpiece for the being who presents himself with this name, I experience Chung Fu as a vast presence entering my energy body and taking over my brain and motor functions, and bringing a level of energy, light, love and power into and through me that I do not experience in any other way.
I have been living and working with Chung Fu now for 39 years, and during that time the way the energy has moved through me and the experience I have as his medium has changed and evolved. There have been different phases of this journey and although the fundamental teachings are the same, it is as though Chung Fu has become ever more present as a force for great goodness and love in my life, and finally in the last 14 years I have found myself in total service to what he brings forward into my life and into the life of my whole family, and now into the life of our ever growing community.
When I first met Chung Fu he was speaking through another medium, Marshall Lever. I experienced him as quite ‘distant’ and definitely from another dimension. As he started coming through me, I continued to experience him in that way for quite a long time, he remained quite removed and ‘celestial’ for many years. As my life ducked and dived through many challenging phases and experiences, I would find myself calling on him in moments of great difficulty and need, and over time I came to believe that he did really personally care about me and truly was helping me in practical as well as emotional ways in my personal and spiritual life.
I have also come to understand the way Chung Fu works is from the inside, bringing a mirror into dark places underneath what our conscious minds can easily see or define, helping us surrender to that which is within us, allowing the emergence of our deep knowing that is beyond the mind, in order to become fully present, and to heal and integrate our being.
Teachings in a Nutshell
Chung Fu brings us a message of constant hope and positive potential. Within this hope and positivity he entirely embraces the despair and negativity that manifests within the duality of human consciousness, teaching us how to love ourselves and each other with an ever more compassionate and expansive and inclusive embrace. As life unfolds and we work with these principles, we find that everything makes total sense, so long as we surrender to its deep connection inside our souls, so long as we understand that there is an aspect of us, our higher self, that is pure light, and is ever shining upon us from within, showing us where our human selves needs to grow.
The Dark and the Light
Within the teachings of Chung Fu, there is as much wisdom in the ‘dark’ as in the ‘light’. All is an expression of Divine Love, which encompasses even the greatest ignorance causal to the most terrible suffering of body heart and mind. Love is the Great Medicine and we become its alchemists, creating it out of every experience we are given to transform and transmute. Chung Fu teaches that with enough commitment of heart and soul, with enough practice of body and mind, we can entirely change deep realities within and change what in some traditions is referred to as our ‘karma’.
When he then asked me to call forward groups of beings who would like to ‘develop’ with him, it took a while, a couple of years, to understand how to facilitate these teachings within a group context. Having worked with him in this way for over 10 years, I now understand how he is facilitating ‘other dimensional’ beings to work with us from the inside, teaching us ways to expand, open up, and co-operate and co-create with wonderful super-conscious beings of great light love and power.
There is a global context for the teachings and work of Chung Fu and other Ascended beings of the Light. We are all witness to the chaos manifesting through our earth at this time. Chung Fu explains that powerful energies are pulsing in from the centre of the universe, from the Solar Logos, bringing great upheaval and transformation, and that ultimately throughout this period of seeming destruction we are preparing for a New Time, the seeds of which are being sown right now. This means a great ‘clearing out’ of old dysfunctional patterns, within ourselves, our families, our communities, and all over the earth.
The the thread of inner truth that runs throughout the teachings of Chung Fu, can also be followed as it runs through the teachings of many ascended Beings communicating through other ’mediums’ and’ channels’ at this time.
Inner Truth is just that, truth that comes from’ within’, from within the Universe of Light that pre-exists the physical universe. And so with Chung Fu we learn to gain access to an ever expanding Universe of Potential and Truth within ourselves, finding that within lie all the solutions and answers to all our problems and questions. For indeed our ‘problems’ are the signposts that if we follow them and go deep and keep listening to what is inside, lead us to the positive outcome that are the solutions, which were always there waiting to be discovered! Love is the key, learning to love absolutely everything we find in this fascinating inner journey of self-revelation as the Inner Truth continues to reveal itself from deep inside…
Ultimate Freedom of Choice
In our world today it is easy to feel constricted, limited, trapped, forced into compliance within systems of control and manipulation based on fear and lack. We are exposed to so many distorted ideas and real-time negative information and news of distress destruction and despair, as people struggle to survive. In so many places in the world we hear of the extreme heartlessness and cruelty of humans towards other species and each other, as well as the ongoing reports of natural disasters all over the planet.
It is easy to believe that things are worse than they ever have been. Those of us who are ‘sensitives’ (which may well be all of us!) become deeply affected by the pain we feel all around, often entirely absorbing the pain of others deeply within ourselves. Chung Fu teaches us that in order to be truly ‘of service’, in order to make a positive difference in this world, the most important step of all is to make a choice within ourselves to become strong inside, to heal our own places of lack, constriction, negativity and pain, to re-constitute and re-construct from within, accessing the God/dess force via our higher selves, strengthening our bodies of light to nourish our minds, hearts, and bodies from within, so that we are not endlessly distracted and ‘pulled out of our centre’ by the constant battering and trauma we see around us, but rather are able to breathe in the Loving Compassion from the Divine Source and become its transmitters in all circumstances however dire. The practices brought forward by Chung Fu are in many senses familiar and very ancient, we remember them from somewhere deep within. And we are encouraged to bring them into a very simple and accessible method, to practice them daily, to bring them right into our very ordinary lives, to breathe them, to become a new kind of person in a world which really needs us all to change from within.