How to Connect to your Higher Self

Sally Pullinger
5 min readJul 15, 2018

5 min read

‘Personal Development to Manifest your full Potential’

Each one of us comes into this life with a special purpose and with a particular history and a track record of what we have and have not achieved before now.

We also carry memories both painful and pleasurable from other lives. We bring with us patterns, that may be inherited from our-selves and from our ancestors. The circumstances of our lives are designed to give us perfect opportunities for our evolution. And the designer of these circumstances is our Higher Self.

Awareness of our Higher Self can come about in many different ways. Really Higher Self is just the best of everything that we are, our Higher Self leads the way to more love more understanding more compassion and more personal power.

Our Higher Self is that part of that is one with the divine and has the over view across many lifetimes that lead to this one. The more we connect to our higher self the more we realise that we are made of a brilliant light ever shining on the inside.

Though our attention may wonder away from it, this light of our higher self never goes out. Probably the most important practice of our life is to know how to connect to this sublime part of our being.

Our Higher Self understands and knows god/goddess, great spirit, the source, the universal intelligence and downloads it to us as pure light, this is where the chakras come in, we can only really down load this Higher Self light fully, and absorb it fully if we are able to fully open our chakra system, the gateways to the world of light.

The intelligence of our Higher Self is a resonance that is ‘beyond the mind’. Being one with our higher self is the same order of experience as attaining Samadhi, blissful orgasm, divine union, ascension, enlightenment and nirvana.

When we unify with our Higher Self we are becoming of aware of the fifth dimensionality of our being.

As we practice opening to our Higher Self presence we grow stronger ‘muscles’ of attention and focus and greater powers of body, heart and mind.

With our Higher Self light we are able to change the cells in our body, as in healing ourselves from physical imbalance or illness, we are able to lighten our emotions and choose love over fear, harmony over disharmony and we are able to change the content of the thought forms in our minds.

It is really important when we work with our Higher Selves to do it in a very relaxed, easy going, joyous, open and surrendered way, in fact it is all about surrender, surrendering to a greater understanding, surrendering to a higher presence within.

The truth is that being connected to our Higher Self is our natural state, just like being at peace and in loving connection with each other is what we truly desire, is what is in our deepest nature.

Our Higher Self knows no duality, knows no other state other than harmony, and knows all the answers to the confusion that arises from duality and leads us on the middle path.

In order to establish our connection to our Higher Self we need to practice, there are many ways we can ‘practice’, the most important element of this practice is awareness, mindfulness, intention to connect. It is well known energy follows thought, and that there are many ways to connect with the Divine.

All religious, spiritual and therapeutic practices are designed to help us connect with Higher Self because this is the part of us we need in our bodies in order to experience wellness wholeness and connection to the Divine.

Higher Self practices include prayer, meditation, yoga, sacred ceremony and ritual, spirit invocation, trance, communion with the elements and nature, martial arts, dance, music, and many other disciplines.

Higher Self connection is a state of transcendent being that is always available to us and much needed at this time upon the earth and it is really important to know how to ground this Higher Self vibration into the lower centres, as for example in the practice of Tantra, kundalini yoga and in fact in all our daily activities.

By spending time at the start of each day visualising the energy of your Higher Self as a most glorious golden light pouring in through your Crown centre and flushing through your whole being, you will begin to experience an expansion in your top centres and an opening in your whole chakra system.

While you are drawing in this golden light think of your day ahead and imagine it going really well, send your golden Higher Self light forward into your day and see yourself succeeding in all the tasks ahead of you. Or if you are doing this practice before you sleep, imagine what you would like to experience in the dreamtime and send an instructioin to your Higher Self to draw into your dreams healing and uplifting journeys in the astral realms.

Remember to breathe deep into your belly while calling this light in and fill your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations which state clearly to the universe what you are calling into your life at this time.

Feel your Higher Self energy going right down to your feet, feel your connection to the Earth, feel yourself bringing and grounding your Higher Self light into the earth to ‘walk your talk’, to manifest your Soul’s Purpose and to create a deeper connection with Mother Earth and your physical incarnated journey here.

Feel your deepest heart space, affirm and re-establish your connection with the beings of light, name them, call them in, send love to them, the special beings that you love who dwell in the worlds of light… animal and plant spirit guides and allies, spirit helpers, spirit members of your family, ancestors, faery and elven folk, angels and archangels, ascended beings, solar lords and deities.

Who are your special spirit friends, have you recognised and identified them yet?

Listen and feel, your Higher Self will lead you to a greater understanding from deep inside you, will give you that really good feeling inside when you receive and absorb what is being radiated to you from your authentic, connected, divine essence, your Higher Self.

Blessings and Peace



Sally Pullinger

Sally Pullinger is a trance medium who has been channeling her spirit guide Chung Fu for 43 years.